Stay well for surgery or treatment – west Suffolk
Tips and resources for keeping fit and well while waiting for your treatment or procedure in the west Suffolk area
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (WSFT) has advice on their website about things you can do to be better prepared and fit and healthy for your operation.
The content below is also available as a booklet from the PALS team at West Suffolk Hospital.
An Easy Read version can be requested from the Learning Disability Specialist Nurses at the hospital.
Physical activity resources
It’s important to keep active while you are waiting for surgery. Your heart and lungs have to work harder after an operation to help your body heal. This will be a lot easier if you are already active. Many organisations can help people with poor mobility to increase their activity levels.
LifeLink Social Prescribing
LifeLink Social Prescribers can connect you to activities, clubs, groups and local services where you will find support and community resources to help you become more physically active.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07971 594709
Allied Health Professionals Suffolk
Access to physiotherapy, self-help advice and activities for problems with muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and spinal discs:
Telephone: 0333 043 3966*
Social prescribing for multicultural communities
BSC Multicultural Services
BSC Multicultural Services supports more than 50 nationalities in Suffolk and runs health walks, chair based exercise sessions, swimming, football and a number of other activities in a culturally sensitive environment:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01473 429740 or 01473 400081
Feel Good Suffolk
Feel Good Suffolk supports people in Suffolk to improve their health and wellbeing and lead healthy lifestyles.
Services include support to stop smoking, become more active and manage a healthy weight.
There are also lots of useful tips, advice and resources to help you make positive changes.
Telephone: 0345 603 4060
Active Suffolk
Active Suffolk can offer support and advice on accessing local physical activities across Suffolk regardless of age, ability or experience:
Telephone: 01394 444 605
Abbeycroft Leisure
Abbeycroft Leisure is a social enterprise working with partners to improve the health of the community. It manages 13 leisure facilities working in collaboration with West Suffolk Council and Babergh District Council and offers live-streamed and on-demand sessions plus sessions for older members of the community:
Website: (Abbeycroft at Home)
Telephone: 01284 757473
We Are Undefeatable
A campaign led by 15 UK charities that supports people with health conditions to be active:
Mental health support
Waiting for surgery can be a testing time for someone’s mental wellbeing and it’s important to seek information and support at an early stage if you feel your mental health is becoming a problem. A number of local organisations can help.
LifeLink Social Prescribing
LifeLink Social Prescribers can connect you to social activities, clubs, groups and local services where you will find support and community resources to improve your wellbeing.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07971 594709
Wellbeing Suffolk
Wellbeing Suffolk offers a range of tailored NHS support to help with common mental health and emotional issues such as low mood, anxiety, depression or stress. Support includes one-to-one talking therapy based on individual needs, online workshops, podcasts, guided self-help programmes and community events. All services are free of charge and available to anyone aged 16 and over living in Suffolk.
You can refer yourself or seek a referral through your GP or any other health or social care professional:
Telephone: 0300 123 1503* (8am to 8pm)
Social prescribing for multicultural communities
BSC Multicultural Services
BSC Multicultural Services helps more than 50 nationalities in Suffolk to improve their mental health by going on outings, learning new skills and attending a number of other activities set in a culturally sensitive environment. The charity also runs a dedicated men’s mental health project:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01473 429740 or 01473 400081
Suffolk Mind
Suffolk Mind offers support and information to help everyone improve their mental health and wellbeing.
Suffolk Night Owls, is a telephone, text and email support service run by Suffolk Mind which requires registration to access.
Website Suffolk Night Owls:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0300 111 6000*
St Nicholas Hospice
St Nicholas Hospice can help people to find mental health support if they are struggling emotionally with losing a loved one, including local support groups, activities and information about counselling:
Emergency Support
Samaritans and the NHS
If you feel you are in crisis, experiencing feelings of despair or are suicidal, you can contact the Samaritans or the NHS:
Telephone: 116 123 and NHS 111 (and choose the mental health option)
Befriending services
Isolation and loneliness can often be consequences of waiting for surgery if people are unable to get out and meet others. Organisations which can help overcome this are listed below.
LifeLink Social Prescribing
LifeLink Social Prescribers can connect people who feel socially isolated and lonely to other people and to groups and local services who can provide companionship and improved wellbeing.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07971 594709
Social prescribing for multicultural communities
BSC Multicultural Services
BSC Multicultural Services organises outings and activities set in a culturally sensitive environment to help more than 50 nationalities in Suffolk overcome feelings of isolation and loneliness:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01473 429740 or 01473 400081
The Voluntary Network
The Voluntary Network’s Befriending Service is open to anyone over the age of 60 who would benefit from some extra companionship. The service looks to match people who have shared interests and who will get on well.
Telephone: 01638 608022
The Befriending Scheme
The Befriending Scheme provides friendship and learning opportunities for vulnerable people (16yrs+) including those with learning disabilities, mental health needs, older people and other isolated groups:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01787 371333
Good Neighbour Schemes
Good Neighbour Schemes are local voluntary groups who support those in need of help in their community. For a list of local groups visit the Suffolk Good Neighbour Scheme Network page on the Suffolk InfoLink website:
Support to manage long term conditions
If you have a long-term condition that is not well managed your elective surgery might have to be delayed until the condition is back under control again. This is for your safety. Keep taking any prescribed medicines as directed, unless told otherwise by your clinician.
LifeLink Social Prescribing
LifeLink Social Prescribers can connect people to support groups for long term conditions such as diabetes.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07971 594709
Feel Good Suffolk
Feel Good Suffolk supports people in Suffolk to improve their health and wellbeing and lead healthy lifestyles.
Services include support to stop smoking, become more active and manage a healthy weight.
There are also lots of useful tips, advice and resources to help you make positive changes.
Telephone: 0345 603 4060 – Health conditions A-Z
For more information on managing individual long-term conditions and details of support groups, visit the NHS website:
We Are Undefeatable
A campaign led by 15 UK charities that supports people with health conditions to be active:
Transport services
Help with transport difficulties is available from the organisations below:
Suffolk On Board/Connecting Communities
If your journey starts in Suffolk and there’s no public transport available to you locally, Connecting Communities rural transport will collect you and connect you to an appropriate bus route or train link for onward travel so you can reach your destination:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0345 606 6171 (option 4)*
The Voluntary Network
The Voluntary Network provide the Connecting Communities rural transport service across west Suffolk
Telephone: 01638 664304
Good Neighbour Schemes
Good Neighbour Schemes are local voluntary groups who support those in need of help in their community. For a list of local groups visit the Suffolk Good Neighbour Scheme Network page on the Suffolk InfoLink website:
Financial and housing support
Suffolk County Council – Equipment and adaptations to the home
If you have long term needs Suffolk County Council Occupational Therapists can assess you and your home and potentially provide minor equipment or adaptations to enable you to live more independently. They can also assess long-term needs for major adaptations and make recommendations for a relevant grant:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0800 121 7711
Suffolk County Council – Advice and support service
Suffolk County Council’s website provides links to support for debt/financial issues, food banks, the Local Welfare Assistance Scheme, the Suffolk Community Foundation Household Support Grant and support for children during school holidays:
Warm Homes Suffolk
Warm Homes Suffolk helps people to live in homes that cost less to heat so they can reduce their energy usage and lower their bills. This can be done by installing energy efficient air source heat pumps, adding solar PV panels to the roof, fitting loft and wall insulation or providing expert energy-saving advice and support. Home owners, renters and landlords can apply:
Telephone: 03456 037 686
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice can help with benefits, your rights at work, debt and money, housing, navigating the legal system, family law and immigration:
Social prescribing for multicultural communities
BSC Multicultural Services
BSC Multicultural Services helps more than 50 nationalities in Suffolk with welfare benefits, housing issues, financial issues, immigration advice and general support:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01473 429740 or 01473 400081
General health and lifestyle support
It’s important to think about your general health before surgery to give yourself the best chance of recovery. The links below could also help you make changes to benefit your long-term health.
LifeLink Social Prescribing
LifeLink Social Prescribers can connect you to social activities, clubs, groups and local services where you will find support and community resources to promote health, wellbeing and independence.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07971 594709
Feel Good Suffolk
Feel Good Suffolk supports people in Suffolk to improve their health and wellbeing and lead healthy lifestyles.
Services include support to stop smoking, become more active and manage a healthy weight.
There are also lots of useful tips, advice and resources to help you make positive changes.
Telephone: 0345 603 4060
National Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP)
Type 2 diabetes is preventable. It is often linked to lifestyle choices and can lead to serious medical complications.
- If you already have a diagnosis of pre-diabetes, you are eligible for a place on the free National Diabetes Prevention Programme and can contact your GP for a referral.
- If you do not have a diagnosis of pre-diabetes, you can find out if you are eligible for a place on the free National Diabetes Prevention Programme by either completing an online assessment or speaking to your GP surgery to request a blood glucose test:
Website ‘know your risk’ online assessment:
Protect yourself against COVID-19 and Long Covid by having your booster vaccination if you’re in an eligible group. To check your eligibility and to find current information on vaccination sites and opening times visit the SNEE Vaccine website:
Protect yourself against the flu. People in eligible groups can get a free vaccination at their GP surgery or community pharmacy.
Most of our COVID-19 walk-in clinics offer the flu vaccine as well as the Covid-19 vaccine. Speak to your vaccinator if you would like to have both vaccinations at the same time.
Support for people looking after someone awaiting surgery
If you regularly look after someone who needs support because they are elderly or have mental or physical health needs, you are a carer. Carers often support a family member or a close friend with practical tasks and companionship. You do not need to be paid to be classed as a carer.
LifeLink Social Prescribing
LifeLink Social Prescribers can connect carers to support groups, clubs and activities that will help you maintain your own health and wellbeing.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07971 594709
Suffolk Family Carers
Suffolk Family Carers support family carers of all ages to maintain their own health and wellbeing, organise breaks from their caring responsibilities and access practical advice and information. There may also be help for family carers to take a break from caring because they need surgery or hospital treatment themselves:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01473 835477
Carer’s Assessment
If you are a carer, you can have a Carer’s Assessment to access support to help make your life easier. You can get an assessment by contacting adult social services at Suffolk County Council. Visit the website below to complete a quick self-assesment:
Telephone: 0808 800 4005
LifeLink Social Prescribing
Social Prescribing Link Workers can connect carers to other support groups. Visit the website or call to self-refer to your local Link Worker.
The LifeLink service is under review and currently closed to all referrals with effect from 1 April 2022. West Suffolk Alliance will continue to offer a social prescribing service from May 2022. Further information will be provided here on how to access it.
Support for people working in or retired from the horse racing industry
Racing Welfare
A specific industry support service for those involved in racing:
Telephone the 24hr support line: 0800 6300 443**
Support for veterans
There are specific armed forces charities which offer tailored physical and emotional support to veterans and their families and can also advise on housing, welfare and benefits. Veterans can refer themselves to all the organisations listed below:
Mental Health Services
Op Courage via the Mental Health Matters referral number:
Telephone: 0300 323 0137
Local breakfast clubs and welfare support
Royal British Legion:
Telephone: 0808 802 8080
One-to-one ‘caseworker’ support
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA)
Telephone: 0800 260 6767
Website (SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity):
Pain Management
Chronic Pain Support
This group is run by people with chronic pain for people with chronic pain to share concerns and ideas, build friendships and obtain up-to-date information about managing pain.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07724 187774
Living Life to the Full – tailored support for chronic pain
This is a free online course to help people manage many common problems that arise when living with chronic pain.
Telephone: 01360 661078
The Pain Toolkit
The Pain Toolkit gives people practical tips on how to cope with chronic pain. There are videos covering different aspects of living with chronic pain and online workshops where you can talk to others with similar experiences and also healthcare professionals.
Suffolk County Council Pain Management Directory
This website has useful information about how to manage chronic pain, including advice from organisations, a list of pain management services and local activities.
Other support
Local parish, town and community support information
Information about support available to you locally, including transport, Good Neighbourhood schemes and support groups, can often be found in the parish and community magazines that drop through your door and on your local parish or town council’s website. Many local councils and community organisations are listed on the One Suffolk website:
Suffolk Libraries
Many services are available to download from the Suffolk Libraries website including eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, films, newspapers, courses and information on upcoming local events and activities. Access to this information is also available at your local or mobile library:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01473 351249
Other organisations and local community groups
Details of other organisations and local community groups which can also offer support are available at Suffolk Infolink:
Waiting times
If you are waiting for surgery at West Suffolk Hospital, you can view the waiting times by visiting:
*Calls to 03 numbers cost the same price to call as if you were calling an 01 or 02 landline – including from mobiles.
**Calls to 0808 numbers are free from landlines and mobile phones.